Friday, 29 August 2014

Reason Why Men Fall Head Over Heels For Some Women

What if... every time you saw your partner you felt excited?

What if... love came effortlessly, and you felt more authentic and more relaxed than ever before in a relationship?

What if you could experience more love, more affection, and deeper intimacy - with much less pain and effort?

You can! You CAN be cherished, loved and adored. All it takes is a new understanding of what REALLY makes a man fall in love, and simple changes you can
make that will leave you feeling more heard, more loved, and completely cared for.

It may not seem possible, but it is. Even if you feel like your current relationship is beyond repair, or there are no good men left, or that the man you’re with will never commit. Even if you are about to get a divorce, or give up on dating, or settle for an unsatisfying love life.

You CAN have the relationship you’ve always wanted, and it starts here.
What We Think Men Want Are Actually The Very Things That Repel Them

To get the love life we want, we first must understand why men fall in love in the first place. Now, I’m not talking about all the reasons women think makes men fall in love. I’m talking about what actually works.

It’s so devastating and confusing when we’ve worked so hard at love to say and do all the right things, and still he looks us in the eye and says we’re not “the one”, or that he’s not “in love” with us anymore.

That’s because all the reasons why women think men fall in love are the very reasons men run away!

When love isn’t going our way, most of us women want to spring into action and have a plan to make things better.

We mistakenly think about love as a checklist, that if we do the “right things” and act in the “right way” a man will see what an amazing woman we are and how lucky he is to have us, and then he’ll fall - and stay - deeply in love forever.

We focus on making him happy, losing weight, pretending to like sports (or whatever else he likes), stuffing down our displeasure or discomfort, or being agreeable and going with the flow...

We find ourselves working to “prove” we are the woman he should love, and all our doing, managing and convincing are the very things that repel him and prevent him from connecting with us. All our efforts accidentally push love away.

Men Fall In Love With Our Hearts

A man doesn’t fall in love based on logic or what he should feel. He’ll either feel it for you, or he won’t.

And he’ll “feel it” for you only when you stop focusing on checklists and pretending, and start focusing on your heart and your feelings.

Because a man will only fall in love if you are brave enough to show him who you really are and how you really feel.

He wants to feel turned on-sexually, emotionally and romantically-but he also wants to feel completely safe to be himself. He wants to feel 100% accepted and loved for who he is.

If you show him you’re in touch with your heart and express yourself-fully and fearlessly-he will feel safe to be himself around you, too.

Deep intimacy will happen and he’ll fall in love without even knowing why it’s happening.

That’s why you can’t use your logic, actions or intellect to connect with him, and he can’t “think” his way into loving you.

Only when you’re comfortable in your own skin and in your own heart and soul will you light his heart on fire.

And I’ll show you how.
Your Step-By-Step Roadmap To His Heart

Learning how to connect with a man’s heart is much, much easier than all the pretending, managing and analyzing that you’ve been doing to get love and affection.

In fact, love doesn’t have to require “work“ at all. It can be absolutely effortless. All it takes are some very simple shifts in your words and body language.

That’s why I created my ebook, Have The Relationship You Want. To give you a roadmap you can follow to let go of all the beliefs and habits that are keeping you from connecting to a man’s heart... and instead open up and express who you really are and what you really want.

I’ll walk you through step by step tools, how-to’s and secrets that you can immediately put to use. After learning and practicing the tools, you’ll notice a difference in him right away. You’ll experience more attention and affection. He’ll call you more. He’ll want to know what you’re thinking and feeling. The fighting, neglect and bad feelings will end and you’ll feel blissfully adored once again.

This isn’t about games or manipulation. You’ll be able to get the love and affection you crave in a way that is more natural, authentic and expressive than you ever imagined. You’ll be free to be your true self, and he’ll love you for it!
watchout for 2
Reason Why Men Fall Head Over Heels For Some Women 1

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