Friday, 29 August 2014

Hours After Shocking World With Desert Execution Of About 300 Syrian Soldiers + PHOTOS

Footage of another fifteen members of Kurdish militia captured by the brutal jihadists has been released

Just hours after Islamic State released shocking footage of the mass execution of 300 Syrian national army soldiers in the Syrian Desert, Islamic State have released a new decapitation video, threatening America for the second time and urging the Kurds to break from their alliance with the West against the caliphate.
The grainy video, accompanied by the hashtag '2ndAmessagetoAmerica', shows the
vicious beheading of a Kurdish soldier, who was part of a group of 15 fighters likely to have been captured by Islamic State during the fighting in Iraq.
The group's first warning ten days ago was entitled 'A Message to America' and showed the decapitation of American journalist James Foley.
In the latest video, the captors first issued a warning they will continue to decapitate prisoners should America continue to support the Kurds in their fight against the Islamic State. They then behead one of the captives on a sandy roadside in Iraq, where the Great Mosque of Mosul is.
Kurdish forces have been in fierce fighting with Islamic State since June and their militias have been beginning to receive considerable amounts of armaments from Western powers including the USA and UK.
It is the latest front line in a brutal power struggle taking place through Syria and Iraq as the Islamic State attempts to extend its influence and impose Sharia law across the region.
Jihadists issue their warning that the beheadings will continue if the U.S. continues to support the Kurds
The victim is thought to be a member of the Kurdish militia, who have been fighting with Islamic State since June
A still image taken from the video which purports to show a surrendering Kurdish soldier
Another ISIS war crime': Footage and photographs have emerged of Islamic State fighters marching more than 200 soldiers across the desert to their deaths in only their underwear after capturing Syria's Tabqa air base
Slaughter: A separate image showed masked gunmen preparing to shoot seven men from the same air base. The chilling photograph was released by the Raqqa Media Center yesterday and tallies with other reporting 
Horror: The video, too graphic to be published in full, fades to black before revealing a chain of men's bodies

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