Mordrake was reportedly the 19th century heir to an English peerage. He
supposedly had an extra face on the back of his head, which could
neither eat nor speak, although it could laugh or cry. Edward begged
doctors to have his “demon head” removed, because, supposedly, it
whispered horrible things to him at night, but no doctor would attempt
it. He committed suicide at the age of 23.
true tale of Edward Mordake (Mordrake) has been lost to history. His
unusual case occurred early in medical history and is
referenced only in
tales handed down. The tale of his life has become so muddled through
the passage of time that no solid date of birth or death is evident to
modern researchers.
story always begins the same way. Edward is said be have been heir to
one of the noblest families in England.He was considered a bright and
charming man – a scholar, a musician and a young man in possession of
profound grace. He was said to be quite handsome when viewed from the
front – yet, on the back of his head there was a second face, twisted
and evil.

story has always concluded with young Edward committing suicide at the
age of twenty-three.The method of his death also differs, sometimes
poison does him in and in other versions a bullet ‘between the eyes of
his devil-twin’ puts him out of his misery. In both versions Edward
leaves behind a letter requesting that the ‘demon face’ be destroyed
before his burial, ‘lest it continues its dreadful whisperings in my
Is the story of Edward true?The 1896 textAnomolies and Curiosities of Medicinementions
a version of the story and Edward has been featured in many texts,
plays and even music as the Tom Waits song ‘Poor Edward’ is based on the
story. However, the tale was considered false for quite some time. It
was simply too fantastic to believe and, obviously, many parts of the
story simply do not make medical sense – years of retelling warped what
was likely a very real occurrence.
Tzu Ping was discovered in China in the late 70’s or early 80’s. In his
40′s, Chang had been born with a second face consisting of a mouth, a
malformed tongue, several teeth, a patch of scalp, and the vestige of
other facial constructs. The throat and the lips of the second face
could not move independently, but the mouth did reacted in tandem to
Chang opening his. Shortly after being discovered he was brought to the
United States to have the second face surgically removed.The entire case
was documented – including the surgery – on the 80’s televison program
‘That’s Incredible’ – and yet there exists almost no secondary evidence
of his existence. The operation was considered successful and Chang
likely went home to his villiage to live the remainder of his life
without his ‘devil face’.
does not require a great leap of faith to conclude that the tale of
Edward is based on some nugget of fact, perhaps he had something similar
Chang’s condition – mutated by storytellers over time.Consider that the
case of Chang Tzu Ping is relatively unknown despite only occurring a
few decades ago or the strange tale of The Boy of Bengal These are
indeed very rare cases and the human mind has a tendency to classify the
unusual as impossible – it often helps us sleep well at night.

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