A Man named Alhaji Kayode B Fashola has been accused of beating his wife blue-black. According to someone in the know who reported this on her Facebook page, Alhaji Fashola is alleged to be a smoker, a drunk and a chronic womaniser who however does not want to see any man near his wife. According to the Facebook report, on this fateful day her husband walked up to her and found a complimentary card on her table and that was how the history of her skin (as seen in the photo above) changed to what you see now. He allegedly locked the door, beat her blue-black to his satisfaction before letting her out. Below is part of what the poster wrote on her Facebook page. I had to remove the accused man's personal details.
I have decided to post this on Facebook so that people know the kind of person he is and for the public to be careful. The woman in the picture is his legally married second wife. Her offence is that he found a