Sunday, 1 February 2015

Happy New Month, Peaceful People!

As we begin a new day of a new month of a new year, I wish you and yours peace of mind, favor, success in everything you put your hands into, unending joy, amazing surprises, prosperity, more inspiration and miracles that will take your breath away.

Happy New Month!
God bless and protect you and yours 

Warmly Regards.

Single Lady Wants Married Women To Know They Are Sometimes Not At Fault For Dating Their Hubby

Remember our last topic; What Really Makes Single Girls Date Married Men In Nigeria? Well here’s what a lady wants legal wives to know.

I had a married man chase me for 3yrs, my boyfriend of 5yrs left me for no reason! None. Now I'm with the married man. I feel bad but I won't say I'm with him for money cos I got my own money and loads. I come from a wealthy background but this man loves me and I have come to

We Will Join Hand With Nigeria To Crash Boko Haram- Iran

Iran has announced today that it would assist Nigeria in the fight against the Islamist group, Boko Haram, as part of its contribution for global peace.

The country’s Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, Amir Hossein Abdollohian, made the announcement while addressing the press on Saturday on the sideline of the ongoing 24th

Late Whitney Houston's Daughter, Bobbi Found Unconscious In Bath Tub + Photos

Whitney Houston's daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown has been rushed to hospital after she was reportedly found unresponsive in a bathtub at her home.

The 21-year old was reportedly found earlier today by her husband Nick Gordon and a friend, before the police and an ambulance were called in to rush her to the hospital.

It will be recalled that Bobbi's mother, Whitney Houston was found dead in a similar situation almost three years ago at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel.